I know it is a bit late for Christmas cards, but I also posted it late last year. Joya is so good at getting this out, but Jonathan's poor friends never get the card in the mail because he isn't good at keeping up with addresses. But here it is in electronic form:
Dear Friends,
For some of you, this Christmas greeting is our only contact all year long, but that makes us all the more excited about Christmas time! We look forward all year to being able to send you Christmas greetings from our family and hearing from you as well. We think about you throughout the year and embrace the tradition of Christmas greetings.
We hope that your year has been as filled with good things. Here's an update on our lives.
We are expecting the arrival of Baby Davis the end of May! What joys and change that will bring. We have loved every minute of our lives together as a couple and filled them with unforgettable adventures and spontaneous fun. Although life will be different, we are thrilled to introduce a new life into the amazing lives God has given us.
We spent the month of July traveling through Europe together. We bought rail passes and traveled through Greece, Italy, Switzerland, France and Spain. You can see pictures here. We got to visit Jonathan's grandfather's hometown of Ortona, Italy which was a real treat. Italy was definitely our favorite.
After a year at Campbell Law School, Joya decided that she did not want to continue her legal education at that school for several reasons. So we moved to Athens, Georgia to be closer to family and friends. We bought a home and are settling into the area. It is wonderful to be able to make day trips to visit Jonathan's family and many friends who have been a part of our lives since childhood.
So it is with the Davis Family. We eagerly await hearing from all of you. Know that we love you and even though many of you hear from us just once a year at Christmas, you are dear to us all year long.
Jonathan and Joya Davis
PS: More news to come on a post later today.